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KAAFAIR Group Visitation Guide
| 관리자 | 조회수 1,309

Thank you for your interest in the  Korea Theme Park & Amusement Fair 2023.

KAAFAIR will be held at KINTEX, in Goyang City, Gyeonggi Province

for three days from July 20 (Thu) to July 22 (Sat), 2023.


Visitors who have completed "Online Pre-Registration" can enter the exhibition hall for free.

If you are visiting KAAFAIR with your party (more than five people), 

you can enter more efficiently by applying group visitation.

Please see the attachment and fill out the form.
When you send the form through the email(kaf@jm-fair.com), applying is done.

※ You can also use the Excel file to give us the information for the party members. 

If you have any further questions, please contact the KAAFAIR Secretariat.

Tel. +82-1544-7052 (extension connection: number 2) / Fax. +82-50-4926-0025


Thank you. 

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  • 자동등록방지 빨간색 글자만 입력해 주세요
